VT4Splunk, official VirusTotal app for Splunk

Configuration and use guide


VT4Splunk automatically enriches your Splunk logs with threat intelligence coming from VirusTotal. It allows you to contextualize IoCs (files/hashes, domains, IP addresses, URLs) and confirm malicious intent/discard false positives. The context added includes: security industry reputation, severity, threat categories and labels, associated campaigns and threat actors, etc.

Compatibility Matrix

  • Unix OS
  • Splunk version: 9.2.x, 9.1.x, 9.0.x
  • Python version: Python3


VT4Splunk app can be installed through UI as is shown below:

  1. Log in to Splunk Web and navigate to Apps > Manage Apps.
  2. Click Install app from file.
  3. Click Choose file and select the TA-virustotal-app installation file.
  4. Click on Upload.
  5. Restart Splunk.

By the limitations of Splunk at the time of reading VT API key from indexers VT4Splunk app will always run on the Search Head so the add-on it only needs to be installed on the Search Head as usual, not on the indexers nor in the forwarders.


Configuring VT4Splunk:


Configure proxy settings:

Enable ProxyOptionalTo enable or disable the proxy
Proxy HostMandatoryHost or IP of the proxy server
Proxy PortMandatoryPort for proxy server
Proxy UsernameOptionalUsername of the proxy server
Proxy PasswordOptionalPassword of the proxy server


Configure the Logging level:

  1. Navigate to the Configuration tab.
  2. Click on the Logging tab.
  3. Select the log level click on Save.

General Settings

Configure basic values for the correct operation of the app:

To test the connection you can execute this Splunk query after save the API key

| makeresults
| eval testip=""
| vt4splunk ip=testip
  • Lookup table expiration (days):
    Elements stored in the lookup tables (iocs, campaigns, actors) will be removed when the last time they are seen in the events exceeds this value.

Correlation Settings

Configure values which will affect to the automatic correlation and the data shown in the dashboards:

  • Enable automatic correlation:
    Enable this to automatically correlate IoCs found in your events with VirusTotal context. VirusTotal enrichment will be scheduled every 30 minutes and findings will be summarized in the dashboards.

  • Data freshness (days):
    Optimizes your VirusTotal API quota. IoC enrichment will be retrieved from the local cache, instead of performing an API call, whenever the cached analysis' age is lower than this value.

  • Names for indexes:
    Automatic correlation and dashboards will use this list of indexes to perform the search of the events in your catalog.

  • Fields names [Hash, URL, Domain, IP]:
    Saved searches will perform automatic correlation using these field names to find IoCs in your events. Empty field disables that automatic correlation specifically.


The app provides a main command vt4splunk to correlate IoCs found in your events with the VirusTotal information, also provides other commands to keep up-to-date the enrichment dataset:

  • vt4splunk:

Adding the command to a SPL query will enrich events which contains the fieldname passed as argument, adding new fields to the event in search time with the prefix vt_, the command admits the following parameters:

hash | domain | url | ipNoevent fieldname
nocacheYesBoolean lowercase value [true | false]

Query examples:

sourcetype=access_* status=400 method=POST
| vt4splunk ip=clientip

Correlate clientip field of access log events.

sourcetype=access_* status=400 method=POST
| vt4splunk ip=clientip nocache=true

Forcing to get the enrichment data from VirusTotal instead of the lookup tables.

sourcetype=access_* status=400 method=POST
| vt4splunk ip=clientip nocache=true
| search vt_detections > 10

Get correlated events where detections are more than ten.

Additional commands

The following additional commands are executed periodically by the saved searches, it rarely will be necessary to execute manually.

  • vtdeleteiocs:

Delete IoCs older than 30 days by default. It can be also executed manually given a table with vt_id field as input and/or with some parameter to perform a more selective delete:

lookupsYesdelete iocs of specific types (hash, domain, ip, url)
ttlYesdelete iocs older than this value (days)

Query examples:

| makeresults | vtdeleteiocs

Delete all IoCs.

| makeresults | vtdeleteiocs ttl=30

Delete all IoCs older than 30 days.

| inputlookup vt_url_cache | search vt_detections < 10 | vtdeleteiocs lookups=url ttl=5

Delete URLs with less than 10 detections and older than 5 days.

| inputlookup vt_file_cache | search vt_tags=*cve-* | vtdeleteiocs lookups=hash

Delete hashes with CVE tags.

  • vtadversaryupdate:

Keep up-to-date campaigns and threat actors.

  • vtvulnerabilitiesupdate:

Keep up-to-date CVEs.

  • vtmitreupdate:

Extract MITRE information of each hash and keep up-to-date the dashboard.

Saved Searches

The app comes with several saved search which will correlated your events and will keep up-to-date the data in an unmanaged way:

  • VirusTotal Update File Lookup
  • VirusTotal Update URL Lookup
  • VirusTotal Update Domain Lookup
  • VirusTotal Update IP Lookup

The above saved searches are in charge of the automatic correlation, they will inspect new events in the last 30 minutes contained only in the indexes configured in the Correlation Settings.

  • VirusTotal Clean Lookups

This saved search will remove IoCs from the lookup tables older than the value configured in the Correlation Settings, by default 30 days.

  • VirusTotal Keep Adversary Lookups Updated
  • VirusTotal Keep CVE Lookup Updated
  • VirusTotal Keep MITRE Lookup Updated

The above saved searches keep up-to-date the data shown in the Vulnerability, Adversary and MITRE dashboards.

Lookup tables

The app creates several lookup tables to store the enrichment data and to feed the dashboards:

  • vt_file_cache: store the VirusTotal enrichment data for files
  • vt_domain_cache: store the VirusTotal enrichment data for domains
  • vt_url_cache: store the VirusTotal enrichment data for urls
  • vt_ip_cache: store the VirusTotal enrichment data for ips
  • vt_collection_cache: store the VirusTotal collections for flagged iocs (Campaigns and malware toolkits)
  • vt_threat_actor_cache: store the VirusTotal threat actors for flagged iocs
  • vt_cve_cache: store the CVEs extracted from file enrichment data
  • vt_mitre_cache: store the MITRE information for files
  • vt_ignore_cache: store the IoCs to be ignored in the dashboards

All of the above tables can be inspected running a search query like this: | inputlookup vt_file_cache.

Ignoring specific IoCs

IoCs can be ignored adding them to a specific lookup table, preventing them from appearing in the dashboards, this can be useful if you have a well-known or false positives IoCs.

You can manage those IoCs with these queries:

  • To add a single IoC:
| makeresults | eval vt_id="eed999fcf63eaa5dd73fac49a7d49d64fe19b945eb30730da4ab026d78746559", vt_type="hash"
| outputlookup append=true vt_ignore_cache
  • To add multiple IoCs:
| makeresults format=csv data="vt_id, vt_type
| outputlookup append=true vt_ignore_cache
  • To remove duplicate IoCs:
| inputlookup vt_ignore_cache | dedup vt_id vt_type | outputlookup vt_ignore_cache


Empty dashboards

  • Saved searches only correlate events created in the last 30 minutes, if you want to do a backfill to start showing data perform a search adding the command vt4splunk as described above.

  • Check lookup tables have information, if not try to execute the vt4splunk command manually over a search of events.

  • Check the index names in the Correlation Settings.

Release Notes

Version 1.6.5

  • Cloud compatibility

Version 1.6.4

  • Fixed bug when detecting if Splunk REST uses SSL or not.
  • New unknown pivot en Severity pie chart.
  • Fix empty values in pie charts.
  • Upgrade Add-on builder version to 4.2.0.

Version 1.6.3

  • Added HTTPS proxy support.
  • Added JARM information to IP addresses and domains.

Version 1.6.2

  • Improve saved searches performance.
  • Disable saved searches by default.
  • Improve fields validation to avoid inconsistent states.

Upgrade from all versions

  • We have changed the way the add-on stores some configuration values like the Lookup table expiration, Index names and the Enable automatic correlation. Values stored before the upgrade will not work as expected, please, after the upgrade, enter again the configuration in the General and Correlation Settings and save both forms.

Version 1.6.1

  • Run vt4splunk command locally.
  • Fix compatibility with Splunk 9.1.*.
  • Added the IoC severity for VT Enterprise users.
  • Fix bug when lists in Correlation Settings contained spaces.
  • Added whois information to domains.

Version 1.6.0

  • Allow users to run vt4splunk command locally.
  • Added VPN, Tor and Proxy IPs tab in Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added the number of VT comments on each IoC.
  • Added the number of Crowdsource Yara rules matches to file IoCs.
  • Avoid to enrich private IP addresses.
  • vtdeleteiocs command is able to receive IoCs as input.
  • Improved window time selector by allowing any relative time.
  • Fix bug in hashes tables when displaying SHA256 instead of ID.
  • Fix bug where the Configuration tab didn't open in some cases.

Version 1.5.3

  • Fix bug when vt4splunk command process records with non utf-8 encoding.

Version 1.5.2

  • Fix bug when checking the API key.

Version 1.5.1

  • Added vt_ignore_cache to ignore desired IoCs.
  • Fix bug when using proxy with username and password.
  • Fix bug in Vulnerability Intelligence dashboard when using the time window selector.

Version 1.5.0

  • Added signature severity to MITRE ATT&CK techniques in Adversary Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a control to filter by signature severity to MITRE ATT&CK techniques in Adversary Intelligence dashboard.
  • Change flagged files by extension chart to by type in Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Clicking on cards works as clicking on tabs in Threat and Adversary Intelligence dashboards.
  • Fix a bug in MITRE ATT&CK dashboard when number of files with MITRE ATT&CK techniques was greater than 100.
  • Change workflow action endpoint for URLs.
  • Fix bug when using saved searches in distributed environment.
  • Fix cloud compatibility.

Upgrade from 1.4.* versions

  • Delete content of the MITRE lookup table to make it compatible with the new version:
| outputlookup vt_mitre_cache

Version 1.4.1

  • Fix cloud compatibility.

Version 1.4.0

  • Added a brand new MITRE ATT&CK matrix dashboard.
  • Added a new command vtmitreupdate to extract tactics and techniques from IoCs.
  • Added a new attack techniques and sub-techniques table to the Adversary dashboard.
  • Added a saved search to keep up-to-date the MITRE data.
  • Added a validator to the API key field to avoid enter by mistake an invalid value.
  • Improve errors feedback, no quota, API key not set or other errors are now displayed in all dashboards.
  • Improve the support on distributed installations, now the app and config are replicated across the search head cluster.
  • Improve logging, app logs can now be read at $SPLUNKHOME/var/log/splunk/ta_virustotal_app*.log.
  • Now automatic correlation can be disabled per IoC type, leaving the input of the field names empty.
  • Now saved searches don't run if there is not a valid API key configured.
  • Fix the vt4splunk command search error _last_correlation_date.
  • Fix the vt4splunk command search error vt_tags.
  • Fix workflow action error for URLs.

Version 1.3.0

  • Added a new Adversary Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a new command vtdeleteiocs to delete iocs selectively.
  • Added a new command vtadversaryupdate to gather adversary intelligence data from VirusTotal.
  • Added a new command vtvulnerabilitiesupdate to extract vulnerabilities from the iocs.
  • Added a saved search to delete iocs older than a configured value.
  • Added a saved search to keep up-to-date the adversary intelligence data.
  • Added a saved search to keep up-to-date the vulnerabilities data.
  • Added a malware category pie chart (file) to the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a categories pie chart (urls, domains) to the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a country pie chart (ip) to the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a TLD pie chart (urls, domains) to the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a ASN pie chart (ip) to the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added country flags.
  • Improve quota errors feedback when vt4splunk is executed.
  • Fix a bug when a non-valid IoC aborts the entire query.
  • Breaking change: vt_malicious has been renamed to vt_detections.

Upgrade from 1.2.0 version

  • Delete content of the ioc lookup tables to make them compatible with the new version:
| outputlookup vt_file_cache
| outputlookup vt_domain_cache
| outputlookup vt_url_cache
| outputlookup vt_ip_cache
| outputlookup vt_cve_cache

Version 1.2.0

  • Added saved searches to automate the v4splunk enrichment.
  • Added a malware category pie chart in the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Added a lookup date column in the Threat Intelligence dashboard.
  • Fix bug where the VT Augment didn't open in some cases.

Version 1.1.0

  • Fix several dashboards errors.
  • Fix proxy error when user and pass were missing.

Version: 1.0.0

  • Added a vt4splunk command to enrich events.
  • Added a threat intelligence dashboard to show all malicious IoCs collected from your events.
  • Added a dashboard to show all CVEs found in your events.
  • Added a dashboard to monitor the consumption of the VT API quota.


  • Email contact@virustotal.com

  • When contacting to support, please indicate your VT4Splunk version, Splunk version, if Enterprise or Cloud, and some screenshots and logs by executing:

index="_internal" | search source="*ta_virustotal_app*"

To get all logs stored by VT4Splunk.

index="_internal" | search "virustotal" "ERROR"

To get all logs stored by Splunk about VT4splunk.

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