๐Ÿ”’ Private Analyses

Private file's analyses


Special privileges required

Private Scanning endpoints are only available to users with Private Scanning license.

A Private Analysis object represents an analysis of a private file submitted to VirusTotal. This analysis can only be seen by the user that submitted it.

Object attributes

A Private Analysis object contains the following attributes:

  • date: <integer> analysis date (UTC timestamp).
  • status: <string> analysis status. Possible values are:
    • "queued" (the analysis is waiting to be analysed).
    • "in-progress" (the analysis is currently in progress).
    • "completed" (the analysis is finished).
  • pending_stages: <dictionary> stages of the analysis currently running. The values of the dictionary contains an explanation of the stage name, for example:
  "Zenbox": "Sandbox analysis from Zenbox (queued)",
  "tools": "File's tools"
  • sandbox_configuration: <dictionary> sandbox parameters specified for the analysis (enable_internet and command_line).
  • sandbox_status: <dictionary> similar to pending_stages but includes a detailed status of the sandboxes executions triggered by the analysis. These statuses can give more info as well about failed sandbox executions due to a missing dependency or if the file is an incompatible file type. An example of sandbox_status is:
  "Zenbox": {
    "in_progress_percent": 2,
    "status": "enqueueing"
  "VirusTotal Jujubox": {
    "status": "unsupported file type",
    "message": "incompatible file",
    "in_progress_percent": 100
  "VirusTotal R2DBox": {
    "status": "finished",
    "in_progress_percent": 100


Additionally, once the analysis is processed you can get additional information about the enqueued file along with the analysis:

  • file_info: <dictionary> it contains the following keys:
    • size: <integer> size of the file in bytes.
    • sha256: <string> file's SHA-256 hash.
    • sha1: <string> file's SHA-1 hash.
    • md5: <string> file's MD-5 hash.
  "meta": {
    "file_info": {
      "size": <int>,
      "sha256": <string>,
      "sha1": <string>,
      "md5": <string>
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date": <int:timestamp>,
      "status": <string>,
      "pending_stages": <dict>,
      "sandbox_configuration": <dict>,
      "sandbox_status": <dict>
    "type": "private_analysis",
    "id": <string>,
    "links": {
      "self": "https://virustotal.com/api/v3/private/analyses/<id>"
  "meta": {
    "file_info": {
      "size": 16919681,
      "sha256": "164119838acc214005e0cc37481a6f900ea535afe8d1074b7927d7b23bac4770",
      "sha1": "f6b8703a7776663950199aefbf6a03aed26e61ba",
      "md5": "63192984ec708025aeb51b69ec4c91e4"
  "data": {
    "attributes": {
      "date": 1659364670,
      "sandbox_configuration": {
        "enable_internet": true,
        "command_line": "calc.exe"
      "sandbox_status": {
        "Zenbox": {
          "status": "queued",
          "in_progress_percent": 8
      "status": "in-progress",
      "pending_stages": {
        "Zenbox": "Sandbox analysis from Zenbox (queued)",
        "tools": "File's tools"
    "type": "private_analysis",
    "links": {
      "item": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/private/files/164119838acc214005e0cc37481a6f900ea535afe8d1074b7927d7b23bac4770",
      "self": "https://www.virustotal.com/api/v3/private/analyses/NTJjNTM1MThmMzhiNWRiNGE1ZWQ5ZDhiZjQyNWY2NzM6NjMxOTI5ODRlYzcwODAyNWFlYjUxYjY5ZWM0YzkxZTQ6MTY1OTM2NDY3MA=="


In addition to the previously described attributes, private analyses objects contain relationships with other objects in our dataset that can be retrieved as explained in the Relationships section.

The following table shows a summary of available relationships.

RelationshipReturn object type
itemA single private file
submitterA single user